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SR10.1SL.4GB050.E0-PT=7 Jousikaapelirumpu-vaakalii

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Conductix Wampfler GmbH dwg PD-209P009A R10.1SL.4GB050 EXPRESS SR10, 4G21A, Application Horizontal retriever Reel installed on mobile equipment Feeding point End feeding Reeling length 8 m Traveling speed 60 m/min Acceleration 5 s (0,2 m/s²) Installation height 1 m (between spool center and ground level) Ambient temperature -20°C / 40°C Wind speed 0 m/s Environment RA0/E0 - standard Mains voltage 400 V Cable type RXP - REELTEC PUR-HF - 4G1,5 Reeling direction Clockwise (1) Please note that any deviation from the above parameters may cause the reel not to perform properly or may lead to damage. If the actual values vary from the above, please inform us. We will be pleased to revise our quote. Equipment description Spring reel type SR10.1SL.4GB050 Motor Type 1 spring motor type SR10.1SL with 1 spring 1S, fitted within the drum, Sealed for life, lubricated for life ball bearings, assembled with zinc plated screws and lock washers. Pre-tensioning 7 turns NA=7 for the rotating part as indicated on the drum Slip ring Model Slip ring type and no of poles 4GB050 Description 3 brass rings B050 + ground - 21A - Rated 690VAC/600VDC - 100% ED (S1) Protection Zinc-plated sheet-metal construction coated with a corrosion resistant varnish. The slipring housing is made from impact-resistant ABS-PC technopolymer Zinc plated assembly screws and bolts. options Empty reel weight 10 kg Cable RXP - REELTEC PUR-HF - 4G1,5 (12m) Voltage rating 0.6/1.2 kV- OD= Outer diameter (min/max) 10 to 11,2 mm Temperature range -40°C / 90°C Weight 0,15 kg/m Maximum pull 15 daN Cable mounted on the reel YES, Customer supply cable on reel NO, Total length of cable on spool 12 M, Cable type RXP - REELTEC PUR-HF - 4G1,5 without cable grip and bracket.