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SR30.1SA.5GD050 - PT=4 Jousikaapelirumpu

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Conductix Wampfler GmbH - TYPE OF CABLE DRUM SR30: SPRING MOTOR TYPE -- NO. OF SPRINGS AND SPRING ARRANGEMENT 1SA - SLIP RING TYPE AND NO. OF POLES 5GD050 - TYPE D050 - DWR SR30 - Technical parameters of the application (Customer data): Application Vertical lift Fixed reel Feeding point End feeding Reeling length 11 m Traveling speed 30 m/min Acceleration 2,5 s (0,2 m/s²) Installation height 12 m (between spool center and ground level) Ambient temperature -20°C / 40°C Wind speed 0 m/s Environment RA0 - standard Mains voltage Cable type RXP - REELTEC PUR-HF - 5G2,5 Reeling direction Clockwise (1) Equipment description Spring reel type SR30.1SA.5GD050 Motor Type 1 spring motor type SR30.1SA with 1 spring 1S, fitted within the drum, Sealed for life, lubricated for life ball bearings, assembled with zinc plated screws and lock washers. Pre-tensioning 4 turns NA=4 for the rotating part as indicated on the drum Slip ring Model 5GD050 Description 4 brass rings D050 + ground - 44A - Rated 690VAC/600VDC - 100% ED (S1) Protection Zinc-plated sheet-metal construction coated with a corrosion resistant varnish. The slipring housing is made from impact-resistant ABS-PC technopolymer Zinc plated assembly screws and bolts options Empty reel weight 15 kg Cable RXP - REELTEC PUR-HF - 5G2,5 (17m) Voltage rating 0.6/1 kV Outer diameter (min/max) 11,8 / 13 mm Temperature range -40°C / 90°C Weight 0,23 kg/m Maximum pull 31,3 daN - Hinta ja toimitusaika kysyttäessä. - .